Health Insurance Coverage Improving: Innovation Direct Group’s Perspective

Proof that health insurance coverage in the U.S. is steadily improving is in the now historically low uninsured rate of 7.9%, according to three reputable sources: the Current Population Survey (covering 2022), the American Community Survey, and the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). The uninsured rate represents the percentage of people who don’t have health insurance throughout a year.

Uninsured Rate

The latest calculations indicate that the uninsured rate dropped even further in 2023, based on data and projections from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In fact, the rate has significantly declined since 2010, which is when key provisions under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) were put into effect.

IDG’s Commitment on Health Care Trends

At Innovation Direct Group (IDG), we’re committed to staying at the forefront of healthcare trends. We believe that access to affordable and quality health insurance is essential for everyone. And, as health insurance regulations change, we’ll keep you informed about the latest developments and advocate for solutions that ensure everyone has the coverage they need.


Further Thoughts

For more insights and innovative solutions in health care marketing, visit Innovation Direct Group.

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